Donate to CMJ UK

CMJ UK is actively involved in drawing together God’s Chosen People, Israel and the Church, in a number of ways. If you feel you would like to be involved by making a donation to CMJ UK, here are ways to give.

You can donate today or set up a Regular Monthly Donation via the following link:

Donations to CMJ UK (website)

Donations to CMJ UK (website)

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CMJ UK is honoured to have a team of people who are working sensitively among the Jewish Communities of London, Leeds and the Midlands to share the Jewish Messiah with them.

Our focus includes:

  • Introducing the Jewish Messiah to the Jewish People;
  • Opening dialogue with the Jewish Communities;
  • Forging relationships among the Jewish Communities in an active stand against anti-Semitism;
  • Training others how to be a witness to the Jewish People.

Help us reach Jewish people in the UK.


CMJ UK is passionate about the Word of God, and have a desire to see the Church reach her fullest understanding of how the Old Testament and New Testament work together to bring about a full understanding of God.

Our focus includes:

  • Holding Biblical festival events in Churches and Youth Groups, showing how Jesus fulfilled the elements of the different feasts;
  • Speaking to church leaders/church groups/Youth leaders/Youth groups/colleges and universities;
  • Producing sound doctrinally accurate resources for personal reflection and study.

Help us share the revelation accuracy and harmony of the Scriptures.

Encouragement & Support

Help us encourage and support Messianic Believers and Messianic fellowship groups.

Other Ways to Donate

Through Legacy Giving

Have you thought about investing in the future salvation of Jewish people through CMJ UK?

A bequest/legacy gift is one of the ways you can donate to CMJ UK. 

For further information, please see our leaflet or contact the CMJ UK Office:

Tel: 01623 883960

Legacy Leaflet

Gift Aid Declaration - Boost your donation by 25% - 25p for every £1 at no extra cost to you!

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